Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Cloth
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Cloth
Metatron's Cube Crystal Grid - Energy
A further expansion to the Flower of Life Grid. It is representation of our 13 energy centers, being composed of 13 equal circles with lines from the center of each, extending out to the centers of the other 12. This grid contains every shape that exists within the universe, with these shapes being the building blocks of all organic life and matter. It represents complete neutrality. Above positive, above negative, we become One with all that is, through vibrational alignment.
Crystal grids - an intentional or intuitive arrangement of crystals placed on a sacred geometry symbol. These ancient symbols hold deep spiritual meaning and energies> Crystal grids weave together the energies of each crystal (or flowers, shells etc) and bind together to create a larger crystal energy field.
grid cloth approx 35cmx35cm
Crystals for pictures of use only - not included
Natural material cloth grid with hand printed design, may have some inconsistencies in print