Here you will find all kinds of Crystal Wisdom from my own years of personal Crystal study and journaling alongside research, to create a quick reference of the meanings and uses for individual Crystals pieces and types.
"if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration"
.Nikola Tesla.
Unlike our biological systems, crystals do not draw nourishment from within. They grow from the outside through planetary processes. Which is why they continue to develop, and new types are often uncovered. We use crystals for creation, healing, spiritual and ritual work and even communication and technology, Quartz is still used in watches and clocks today.
While our make up is 'different' crystals and biological life, humans, animals trees etc we all have a few key things in common, energy frequency and vibration. This makes us naturally receptive to crystals and their healing and spiritual activation and manifestation possibilities.
When using crystals for intention setting, manifestation, spiritual work etc we are programming an imprint of our intention, blessing, emotion, questions into the piece.
Both these process can then be amplified by the type of crystal and then the shape. This is a powerful practice, as our thoughts are energy and energy flows where our attention or thoughts, go.
Each individual crystal holds its own unique frequency both in crystal 'type' but also 'shape'.
Here's a quick guide
Knowing the meanings and uses behind the individual crystal shapes allows you to harness the unique power of each crystal. But.. if your anything like me, it will be a case of 'ill take one of EVERYTHING thanks".. because seriously.. you can NEVER have too many crystals!
Rainbows in crystals
See those cracks? you're not broken, that's where this light gets in.

Carved bowls contain a recessed center making them instant cleansers and protectors of anything held within. Often used as 'grab bowls' where you can keep a collection of tumbles ready to grab on the go, pop in your necklace, in your bra, purse or handbag as you require. They are also used as offering bowls for spiritual and ritual work adding written messages, herbs, oils and more. They can be used for mixing your essential oils with carrier before being placed upon the body. Get them large enough and you can even make cups, food servers, wash basins and bathtubs from the humble crystal bowl.
The best thing to hold onto in life, is each other.
Bracelets are a super easy way to carry crystals on ourselves for energetic benefits while also creating a unique visual accessory.
Wearing them on your left wrist, the #feminine side, is the energy we receive and creates positive internal shifts of energy within. Aim for anything you feel you need on the 'inside', self love? Try Rose Quartz. Abundance? Try Citrine.
Wearing on your right wrist, the #masculine side, is what we put out into the universe, it creates power action and controls the energy you are putting into your outer environment. Aim for anything you feel you need for your 'outside', Protection? Try Tourmaline. Confidence in Speaking? Try Sodalite.
Plant a garden and decorate your soul.
These little ones are the perfect size for so many different uses. They offer creative expression through the use of crystals while still holding the frequency of the particular crystal type. You can mix different chips types together to amplify them in a very small space or use them on their own.
Use them in decorative bowls or sprinkled into pot plants.
Use them in spiritual and ritual work, or creative ways, like top dressing candles, adding them to spell jars, including them in oil roller blends and more.
Some crystal chips are gently tumbled smooth and others are left raw.
Crystal bracelets are often made up of a heap of crystal chips and hold the same benefits just amplified. They are a super easy way to carry crystals on ourselves while also create a visual accessory.
They may be small, but they are fierce.

They are the perfect option for clearing negative energy in a room as energy is cycled from base to tip, and so they are continuously self cleansing. You can place other stones on top of the cluster to harness this cyclic energy and clear it of unwanted energies, much the same as the smudging and cleansing process works.

Double Terminated
These beauties have a faceted tip 'termination' at each end of the crystal piece. They are much like their own wand, some naturally formed, some are shaped by hand. They transmit and receive energy offering us harmonious balance via give and take. When we look at the shape with it points on each end we can see and feel the energy of the particular crystal being directed out each end.
If the ends are equal in size energy is equal, if the ends are smaller on one and larger on the other, the movement of energy amplifies drawing in a lot or a little, from each end to the other.
They are able to move and direct this energy in grid work alongside other crystals, much like they can on their own when used in your own healing practice. Hold them near the heart space to direct energy flow from the heart, up and down through the bodies energy system or 'chakras'. Holding them between your self and another can transmute energy between two people.
Not double trouble, but twice blessed.

Just as the phoenix rose from those ashes, she too will rise.

Crystal Freeform
'Free'forms, well and truly represent freedom, individuality and strength, they are generally large polished crystal chunks that are all unique in shape and size. Larger freeforms will often have some way of a flat base so they create a stunning decorative feature to show off their natural beauty as they flow with the energy of the space, this solid support grounds them and gives them a strong energetic vibrational release.
There is nothing quite as strong and the strength it takes for one to stand alone in all of their vulnerability.

Your heart is the softest place on earth, take care of it.

Palm Stones


As a crystal piece, the sphere provides complete energetic harmony, equilibrium and unity. It is great for intention setting, meditation and as a center for crystal grid work. Crystals all contain their own individual frequency and when they are shaped their frequency again becomes unified, with the sphere being in complete in symmetry it holds a powerfully high frequency of healing energy for that particular type of crystal.
Crystal bracelets are often made up of a heap of 'mini' spheres and hold the same benefits as single spheres just amplified. They are a super easy way to carry one of the most beneficial crystal types on ourselves while also create a visual accessory.
Be the luminosity of your own sphere.

Truncheons are raw crystals often used over the centuries as weapons or tools, you will often find these pieces atop wands and staves. They are in their complete natural independent state and just as mother nature intended. Raw crystals are representative of the purest energy and individual uniqueness in size coloring inclusions shapes. Raw crystals have passed though less 'hands' and less 'trauma' to get to you making them a key piece for authenticity, for use in shadow work and connecting at a very deep and pure level.
Always find beauty in things that a odd and imperfect, they are much more interesting.

Crystal tumbles are very likely the most common crystal types you will find. They are gently tumbled to create a smooth and shiny exterior which amplifies the individual crystals properties. They come in every size and color, sometimes small -but bigger than crystal chips, and sometimes larger -but smaller than what we call a palm stone. They are the perfect in between size, able to be carried in a purse, handbag, a bra.. yes.. a bra is the perfect spot for a few tumble to carry around. You can have them in net or wrapped necklaces, and room energizers and more.
Having a little grab bowl of mixed tumbles is a great way to incorporate crystals into your daily life outside of the home, swap your tumbles around as required from the grab bowl, based off intuitive pick or by the frequency. If you need a bit of protection grab some smoky quartz or tourmaline, want a bit of self love boosting grab some rose quartz pop it in you bag, your necklace or your bra as you leave for the day.
Stones on the road? Save every one and one day you'll build a castle