Guide: The Crystal Cleanse Ritual

Guide: The Crystal Cleanse Ritual

Crystal cleansing is an important part of crystal care and ensuring you are getting the highest possible vibrational output from your crystals.
When you purchase new crystals you want to remove any lingering energies from the people they have passed on their journey to you, likewise when using your crystals through regular use, or specified ritual use absorbs the energy from you and your surroundings and can create stagnant energy blocks within the crystals. This reduces their vibrational strength and purpose. This is where cleansing and recharging becomes key.
There is many different ways to cleanse and charge (swipe to see more) and each option has their own unique way of cleansing a crystal ready for its vibrational reactivation & recharging. You can choose  se one or many of the options. You’ll know and get an intuitive feeling when your crystals need to be cleansed. Usually every full moon is a good time to check, also if they are handled by another person, been used for ritual work, feeling stagnant or disconnected in energy. These are all signs it's time for a cleanse. When you hold your crystals you should feel high positive energy.
Step 1 - gathering your crystals and jewellery, anything that you feel needs a good cleanse and recharge and finding somewhere safe to cleanse
Step 2 - I use the full moon in my ritual cleansing plus a few others, pick what you feel comfortable with and give intention to your crystals to cleanse away and stagnant and negative energies, affirming thanks and gratitude
Step 3 - is to reactivate and recharge with your own personal intentions (self love, protection, calm etc) or just simply the intention for the crystals to recharge to fulfill their individual vibrational purpose
step 4 - your crystals are now cleansed charged and reactivated and their vibrational energy output is functioning at their peak.

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