Guide: How To Cleanse Your Crystals

Guide: How To Cleanse Your Crystals

Crystal cleansing is an important part of crystal care and ensuring you are getting the highest possible vibrational output from your crystals.

Using your crystals through regular use, or specified ritual use will absorb the energy from you and your surroundings and can create stagnant energy blocks within the crystals, which reduces their vibrational strength and purpose. This is where cleansing and recharging becomes key. Each option has their own unique way of cleansing a crystal ready for its vibrational reactivation & recharging. You can choose one or many of the options.

Crystals purchased via Wildly Nurtured come pre cleansed, charged and activated by me through my process of full moon, sound, smoke cleansing, cleanse & activation spray and then reiki to prepare your treasures for their purpose. But no matter where you have got your crystals it’s still important to give them a personal cleansing to connect them to your energy. Especially new ones. For ones you’ve had for a while, you’ll know when your crystals need to be cleansed. Usually every full moon is a good time to check, also if they are handled by another person, been used for ritual work, feeling stagnant or disconnected in energy. These are all signs it's time for a cleanse. When you hold your crystals you should feel high positive energy.

Methods for cleansing
Reiki – channels the universal energy life force to cleanse and reactivate energy to a very high vibrational state
Intention and visualisation – visualising a cleansing white light with the intention to clear and reactivate the energy
Sound – breaks up and dispels negative and stagnant energies
Water – draws out and washes away the energies
Smoke cleansing – draws out, captures and transmutes the negative energies
Cleanse spray – similar to water, draws out energies with the added benefit of any included herbs/oils will also add protection and activation
Salt – absorbs negative energies
Sunlight – the masculine, absorbs, cleanses, reactivates
Moonlight – the feminine, absorbs, cleanses and reactivates
Other crystals – selenite is a popular one for this
Candlelight – similar to white light visualisation/intention

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