Rituals For the Full Moon

Full Moon Rituals

How do you harness the energy from the powerful Full Moon? While the Moon may bring heightened energies its also sends healing vibrations, so, flow with the Full Moon.

The Full moon is a perfect time to breathe and take a step back into yourself. What needs your attention? Where are you lacking? Where are you succeeding?

+Use the energy from the next Full moon to+

☽ Read your tarot or oracle cards - Pull a messenger card, or try a Past, Present, Future spread for some precise advice. Where have I been, where am I now, where am I going.

☽ Connect with your Familiar - maybe this is a close pet, or an animal that seems to be following you, they are sure to be ready to listen and heal.

☽ Meditation, yoga, exercise. Move your body. As you move your body you allow the opening of all centers to come alive and awake. What is calling you for attention?

☽ Journaling your thoughts, feelings, emotions, stresses. Colouring, drawing, even reading. Awaken your mind to release old thoughts and patterns and allow new creativity to flow.

☽ Prepare your ritual - Do you have a witchy ritual to prepare? Tonight is the night! Maybe you just need a self care ritual. Pour a cup of fresh brewed tea, or a glass of wine if you must. Run a bath, add some herbs or oils and give some of that love you deserve and so freely give others, to yourself tonight.

☽ Cleanse your space - White sage or palo santo are a perfect choice to cleanse old negative and unwanted energies from yourself and your work + home space. Ask them to leave, let them free, they are not your burdens to carry.

☽ And of course.. Charge your crystals.. put them all out to bask under the glow of the moon. This is particularly important if you are feeling a lack of connection, or if you have been regularly using them. Put them out, let them cleanse, then charge them up ready with your love and intentions.

☽ xx


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