Moon Water

Moon Water


Heard all about it? Don't know much about it? Moon Water is MAGIC from our beautiful mamma Moon.

While moon water can be made at any time through the lunar cycle, Full Moon water creates a high vibrational Moon Water of celebration, fulfillment, cleansing and release, and when infused with crystal energy and/or your own personal intentions these bottle of water become vessels of powerful watery essence.

The steps are so simple.. and like with all practices it's the intention behind the practice that really gives your Moon Water its magic and what drives its own individual purpose.
How to get your Moon Water charged up?
You'll need a vessel of some sort.
Purified water
A water safe crystal (or omit)
(and your intentions)

Step 1
Cleanse your crystal and set your intentions

Step 2
Place the crystal in your vessel and fill with water ( at this point you can also anoint with herbs and oils depending on your moon waters purpose)

Step 3
Bind your own personal intentions, visualisations and the energy of the crystal into the vessel of water, placing it out under the full moon or on a window sill under the moons glow. The energy from the moon will bind and amplify what you are creating.

Step 4
It's now ready to use!
How do you use it? This does depend on your set intentions but here are a few ideas
Spritz over your body throughout the month
Facial toner
Cleanse your crystals between Full Moons
It can be used to drink or in teas
Watering plants
Use in the bath
Use with watercolour paints


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